Through Tara’s journey, she has become a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Certified Reiki Master, and learned herbal, medicine homeopathy and nutrition from icons in the field. She shares her knowledge through books she has written, her weekly meditations and now online through- My Spiritual Ritual.

My Spiritual Ritual is an online shop where one can select Anointing Oils, Incense, Sage, Pendants, and more! If you want to slow down, adapt your lifestyle, or just further your love of ritual practice this is the place to be.

Fan & Fuel has recently been enlisted to assist in a design and development overhaul to the site. Tara and I go back to her initial days when she launched Lemongrass’ website. I am happy to partner with her again on her new venture! Looking forward to helping My Spiritual Ritual spread their art of ritual through a masterful collection of tools and inspiration.